Between Two Walls

Installation, 2021, mixed media, 1.5x5x3 meters, Maya gallery, Tel Aviv. Curator: Ruthi Sagi

“Between two walls” is a wall-mounted site-specific installation, created for two walls facing each other at the entrance to the gallery. It is made of objects and drawings. The work refers to the mental and physical experience of the Covid19 lockdown periods, to the isolationin a capsule, to the feeling of a world losing its materiality and shrinking, a world still present in ourmemory but which is experienced mainly indirectly via memories, the Network and by gazing through the window.

I chose to use imaginary images or ones that are indirect representations of actual things in the world: A wrinkled road, reflections, the view through the rear-view mirror of a car, etc. Many images found on one wall are (with changes in color, size or technique) also on the opposite one as if one wall is a reflection of the other. The short distance (1.2 meters) between the walls enhances the feeling of a dissolving world since while standing between them one cannot see the work as a whole and both walls cannot be experienced simultaneously.